Muffins go straight to the old muffin top…Am I right, ladies?!

Like…that is just so rude of Food Lion to be calling me fat.  Get rid of the logo you’ve had since the eighties and then come at me with insults.

Target Portrait Studios are giving babies bad body image!!

Please click on the photo for improved eyebrow definition.


Remember when you were a baby and you had those amazing eyebrows that only Michelle Obama’s could rival?  And a face so expressive it could give strangers chills?  Remember when your elbows were strong enough to hold up your floppy, not-yet-muscularly-developed head and neck?

Also his butt looks big.

This book will make you wanna skate like its 1988

Go ahead and throw all your in-line skating books away – the information has finally been consolidated.


“Joyner is a skate evangelist, in every sense of the word.”

Fired from his desk job, Steve quickly realized he had better just get passionate about something...and now wasn’t the time to be choosy!

“After his first book, The Joy of Walking, Steve Joyner realized he wasn’t “getting there” fast enough, so he took up in-line skating.”

Steve mastered walking but quickly grew bored! He began to look for a more challenging method of locomotion.  Crab-walking helped him “get there” (if you know what we mean….heh heh) but wasn’t challenging enough.  In-line skating was the next obvious choice.

“Joyner covers all aspects of the sport with infectious enthusiasm and in complete and careful detail.”

Steve’s eagerness will infect you like a disease you’d rather not tell your family about.